
Payment methods#

All our payments are securely handled by Stripe. The payment methods will vary depending on your location. At the very least you should be able to use common cards such as Visa, MasterCard, etc.

What if my subscription fails to renew?#

If a payment renewal fails, you will have a grace period of 30 days to update your payment method starting after your subscription ends.

During this period we will keep streaming your files but you won't be able to upload new ones. If you fail to renew your subscription after the grace period ends, your files and related data will be deleted permanently.

Your account will remain active even after your files are deleted. You will be able to download invoices from past payments and check your payment history.


You can cancel the service at any time from our dashboard. Your subscription will remain active until the current paid period ends.


We offer refunds up to 30 days after your payment. If you'd like a refund contact us at [email protected].